I live in beautiful rural Upstate, NY where a private commercial company has decided to take it upon themselves to build these huge high voltage transmission line towers standing 120 feet tall just to pull power from Utica to NYC. This will pass through 190 miles of beautiful scenic forests and waterways, all the way down through the Delaware River Water Gap area, some of the most scenic areas in the Northeast, just to feed NYC's growing energy needs. They already take our water, now they will take our beautiful scenery, hindering tourism in our already depressed area, and take our health with the effects of these high voltage lines.
The 1,200-megawatt line would cross 154 streams or rivers, 155 mapped wetlands, 65 miles of farmland, seven counties, one city, seven villages and 30 towns.
Yesterday while driving to Binghamton, I saw a sign in the rear window of a passing car. It said, "Conserve Electricity. Turn Off Time Square" This was in protest to the transmission line project, called the New York Regional Interconnection, N.Y.R.I. To read more about it, just Google.
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